Helping AMRC "Rise to the Challenge"
Covid 19 has been an unexpected scenario for us all, however, in times such as these we must pull together.
As most will be aware, a few weeks ago Boris Johnson made a plea to manufacturers, requesting them to switch their production lines to manufacturing life-saving ventilators. The aim, manufacture a staggering 50,000 ventilators and deliver the same to the NHS within a matter of weeks before Covid 19 peaks.
In response to this plea, on Thursday March 26, the AMRC in Rotherham sprung into action to assist in the national effort and produce test parts which were delivered to Ford on Sunday March 29, ready for the assembly to take place on March 30.
This is when ICPE were called in to help with the supply of key tooling and to manufacture crucial brass and aluminium components. These were machined by Ian throughout the weekend of the 28 and 29 March, just in time to be delivered back to the AMRC, ready to then be passed onto Ford for assembly.
You can read the article by clicking on the links below.
Help do your bit! #PPE4NHS
Ian Cocker Precision Engineering are supporting the NHS confederation with the attached #PPE4NHS initiative and we hope you can help too or have any contacts whom would be willing to support. As a company wanting to support this initiative, we will be hosting as a local drop off point for Sheffield and will be accepting PPE donations to support our NHS.
We are calling on all businesses whom may be able to donate some PPE to support our NHS such as:
- Face masks FFP 2 or FFP3 rated, the rating is marked on each mask.
- Nitrile gloves
- Visors or goggles
- Disposable aprons or overalls
- Hand sanitiser
No matter how small the donation (because no donation is too small!) businesses who donate will be mentioned, therefore, you may leave your business card/ confirm what you have donated.
We are also calling on all businesses whom may be able to host a drop point. If this would be of interest to you please get in touch so we may provide you with further information.